4 Generation Pedigree Chart
Ann Mary Orebaugh

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ERROR 8: Undefined index: pedigree_map
0 Error occurred on line 122 of file functions_print.php in function print_pedigree_person
1 called from line 272 of file pedigree.php

Notice: Undefined index: pedigree_map in /home/my3tt0/public_html/family/includes/functions/functions_print.php on line 122

ERROR 8: Undefined index: pedigree_map
0 Error occurred on line 124 of file functions_print.php in function print_pedigree_person
1 called from line 272 of file pedigree.php

Notice: Undefined index: pedigree_map in /home/my3tt0/public_html/family/includes/functions/functions_print.php on line 124
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Elizabeth ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I0340)‎
Birth about 1696 -- Germany
Death 1 February 1775 ‏(Age 79)‏ -- Bedminster, Bucks Cty., PA, USA

ERROR 8: Undefined index: pedigree_map
0 Error occurred on line 122 of file functions_print.php in function print_pedigree_person
1 called from line 272 of file pedigree.php

Notice: Undefined index: pedigree_map in /home/my3tt0/public_html/family/includes/functions/functions_print.php on line 122

ERROR 8: Undefined index: pedigree_map
0 Error occurred on line 124 of file functions_print.php in function print_pedigree_person
1 called from line 272 of file pedigree.php

Notice: Undefined index: pedigree_map in /home/my3tt0/public_html/family/includes/functions/functions_print.php on line 124
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Andreas Orebaugh ‎(I0339)‎
Birth about 1694 -- Obermat Houstatt, Kurpfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Death 1765 ‏(Age 71)‏ -- PA, USA

ERROR 8: Undefined index: pedigree_map
0 Error occurred on line 122 of file functions_print.php in function print_pedigree_person
1 called from line 272 of file pedigree.php

Notice: Undefined index: pedigree_map in /home/my3tt0/public_html/family/includes/functions/functions_print.php on line 122

ERROR 8: Undefined index: pedigree_map
0 Error occurred on line 124 of file functions_print.php in function print_pedigree_person
1 called from line 272 of file pedigree.php

Notice: Undefined index: pedigree_map in /home/my3tt0/public_html/family/includes/functions/functions_print.php on line 124
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Ann Mary Orebaugh ‎(I0343)‎
Birth 1734 40 38 -- Bucks Cty., PA, USA